MarÃa Rosa Chaig
Associate Professor
I started my research work for the completion of my doctorate, with diseases of recent knowledge (mid-last century), "Mitochondrial Diseases", considered metabolic and that enter the area of my specialty Endocrinology and now geneticist. They have a syndromic and non-syndromic presentation, affect the devices, organs and systems that most require ATP; so that to address them, began with syndrome, symptoms and possible signs of seeking mitochondrial etiology: Neurosensory Deafness Ototoxicity. Obtaining the Doctorate, I was co-Director of the doctoral thesis of the Physician, Jorge Alejandro Ramos Vila with the syndrome External-OphthalmoplegÃa Progressive (mitochondrial disease) and intergenomic nuclear-mitochondrial relationship, syndromic presentation. Later, I was a Research Advisor in the Thesis of the now Dr. in Medicine and Surgery, Raúl Vicente Boudet, relating mitochondrial haplogroups and immunological disease. In this last item, I am also responsible for the studies that relate mitochondrial haplogroups to Chagas disease, to know their influence on the different clinical presentation of this pathology. In the Cathedra of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology FCM - UNC, I have my Clinical Research Office, to perform the Clinical History and Informed Consent, to study patients. Being pathologies of syndromic presentation, we carried out Inter and Multidisciplinary interconsultations (data that we are very valuable).
Research Interest
Cognitive Sciences, Cognitive Neurosciences, Neuroimaging, Applied Clinical Neuropsychology, Brain ( Cranial ) Imaging, Traditional Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine and, Combination of Medical And, Psychological trends for eradicating illnesses / sicknesses